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Friendly Defenders 2 : Catholic Fla
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Friendly Defenders 2 : Catholic Fla
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Gloria Deo Price: $11.99
Publisher/Mfg: CATW
Binding: BX

Item No.: 9781932645255

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by Matthew Pinto, Katherine Andes

The best gift a Catholic parent or teacher can give a child is a firm understanding of faith. These 50 Catholic flash cards will help your child understand God’s love and the truths of the Catholic faith.

Building on the success of the original Friendly Defenders: Catholic Flash Cards, Friendly Defenders 2: Flash Cards helps kids learn answers to some of the most commonly-asked questions about God, Jesus, the Bible, the Catholic Church, the afterlife, and more. Each card includes an inspirational verse and a list of relevant Bible verses and Catechism sections.

Start creating a solid foundation rooted in faith today!

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