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The Saints: An Adult Coloring book
The Saints: An Adult Coloring book
Gloria Deo Price: $9.95

Item No.: 9781594717246

Description Technical Specs
Inspiration. Creativity. Calm.

Experience all three as you focus on coloring hand-drawn illustrations of the saints by renowned Catholic artist Daniel Mitsui.

The Saints contains thirty elaborate images, including Mary and Joseph, John the Baptist, Peter, Paul, Francis, Lucy, and Brendan in the style of medieval illustrated manuscripts.

Enter into a contemplative space as you color Mitsui’s beautiful images of saints and the elements they are associated with from the early Church and Middle Ages. You can use any type of media to color Brendan the Navigator, styled in traditional Celtic, St. Peter the Apostle, following the traditional Chinese style.

Careful attention to coloring these delightful illustrations of the saints is a wonderful way to reflect on their lives and virtues.

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