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You Can Pray!  Meditations for Teens
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You Can Pray! Meditations for Teens
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Gloria Deo Price: $4.95
Publisher/Mfg: SCE
Binding: TP

Item No.: 9781594171840-

Description Technical Specs
By Nora Browne

Written in the style of short bullet points popularized by St. Josemaría Escrivá’s The Way, this book helps young Catholics to begin to do personal prayer with God. How? By starting with their concerns of family, friendships, and issues such as obedience to parents and other authorities, etc. Its 14 chapters and 125 points present many themes from a Catholic perspective of doctrine and piety with a dose of practical advice and experience from the author’s own experience of working with hundreds of students over many years.

The author has many years of teaching experience in London, Oxford and Manchester, England and now lives in Glasgow, Scotland, where she works in youth clubs and in home arts training.

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