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Resisting the Devil: A Catholic Perspective on Deliverance
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Resisting the Devil: A Catholic Perspective on Deliverance
0 Reviews
Gloria Deo Price: $17.95
Publisher/Mfg: OSV
Binding: TP

Item No.: 9781592767090

Description Technical Specs
By Neal Lozano

Resisting the Devil clarifies the ‘blurred, ill-defined’ distinctions between exorcism and deliverance. Used only in extreme cases of spiritual bondage, exorcism necessitates a priest to do battle with Satan on a possessed person’s behalf. Deliverance, on the other hand, is the effort – through prayer, counsel and spiritual direction – to take hold of the authority one has been given through Christ to see beyond Satan’s lies, and break free of the particular oppression that afflicts him.

In Resisting the Devil, Lozano shows:
  1. how to recognize the activity of evil spirits;
  2. how deliverance from spiritual bondage can be gentle and effective;
  3. ways deliverance differs from exorcism;
  4. testimonies of those who have been freed from demonic influence through deliverance – without exorcism.

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