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Teaching discernment: A Pedagogy for Presenting Ignatian Spirituality
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Teaching discernment: A Pedagogy for Presenting Ignatian Spirituality
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By Fr. Timothy Gallagher
In this remarkable explanation of a pedagogic system, Fr. Tim weaves together several channels of learning—his many years of reading about Ignatian discernment and classic spiritual experience, his repeated teaching of the rules, his contact with masters of Ignatian spirituality, and his own growing awareness of how these rules applied in his own life. This volume is a careful exploration of Ignatius’s own words and a methodology for exemplifying them through concrete spiritual experience. By hosting retreats for spiritual directors teaching Ignatian spirituality in their own communities, Fr. Tim is fulfilling the admonition of Paul to Timothy, “…and what you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others as well.”
Gloria Deo Price: $24.95

Item No.: 9780824599355

By Fr. Timothy Gallagher
In this remarkable explanation of a pedagogic system, Fr. Tim weaves together several channels of learning—his many years of reading about Ignatian discernment and classic spiritual experience, his repeated teaching of the rules, his contact with masters of Ignatian spirituality, and his own growing awareness of how these rules applied in his own life.

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