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Early Christian Writings
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Early Christian Writings
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By Various
Translated by Maxwell Staniforth
Revised by Andrew Louth

Letters and small-scale theological treatises giving a rich and powerful articulation of the Christian faith.

The writings in this volume shed a glimmer of light, in an otherwise dark period, on the emerging traditions and organizations of the infant Church. They are a selection from a group known as the Apostolic Fathers, so-called because several of the authors were most likely disciples of the Apostles themselves. Like much of the New Testament, their writings take the form of letters, and for the most part deal with practical problems of the life of the early Church, as it struggled in the face of persecution to establish itself in the Roman world. They give us a picture of Christianity still drawing on the theology and traditions of its parent religion, Judaism.

Contains the first epistle of Clement to the Corinthians; the Epistles of Ignatius to the Ephesians, Romans and Philadelphians; the Epistle of Polycarp among others.

Andrew Louth, born in Lincolnshire and brought up in the north of England, studied Theology at the universities of Cambridge and Edinburgh. From 1970 to 1985 he was Fellow and Chaplain of Worcester College, Oxford, and University Lecturer in Theology, teaching principally Patristics. In 1985 he became Reader in History at Goldsmith's College, London. He is the author of The Origins of the Christian Mystical Tradition (1981), Discerning the Mystery: An Essay on the Nature of Theology (1983) and Denys the Areopagite (1989). He has also edited Early Christian Writings for the Penguin Classics.
Gloria Deo Price: $15.00
Binding: TP

Item No.: 9780140444759

Description Technical Specs
By Various
Translated by Maxwell Staniforth
Revised by Andrew Louth

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