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Crucifix Nightlight - Assorted
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Crucifix Nightlight - Assorted
0 Reviews
Gloria Deo Price: $17.99

Item No.: 46938

If you wake up in the night, you may find spiritual comfort with this LED crucifix nightlight. This inspirational nightlight has a clear acrylic crucifix sitting on a white resin base with a metal corpus attached. You have a choice of a gold-tone or silver-tone corpus so please select a style when you order. The crucifix nightlight stands about 5-1/2 inches high and comes with an on/off switch on the bottom of the base for convenience. This LED crucifix nightlight is small enough to sit on a bedside table or anywhere in a bedroom you would care to place it. If you have a meditation area or home altar, the crucifix nightlight could be placed there and would be especially effective when lit in the dark of evening. In the middle of the night, the crucifix nightlight is a nice reminder that Jesus is with us always.

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